#EDUTECHASIA LIVE WEBINARS: Membangun lingkungan pembelajaran hybrid yang tangguh untuk memastikan pembelajaran yang berkelanjutan / Building resilient hybrid learning environments to ensure continued learning

Thursday 10 February 2022

16:00 [WIB (GMT +7)]

This session will be conducted in Bahasa Indonesia.

Technology-enabled teaching and learning has proved to be essential in ensuring continued schooling in times of difficulty. However, face-to-face interaction and engagement are still critical for developing certain skills and knowledge in our K-12 students. The hybrid classroom model provides the opportunity for schools to build on the gains from online learning but continue interacting with students in-person for collaborative and interactive learning.

However, such a model requires the cooperation and work of multiple stakeholders including teachers, parents, students, and school management. This session explores the different needs of these stakeholders and how they play an important role in managing a hybrid learning environment.